Job Offers
We Will Employ You
In Norway
For more than 15 years, our company has specialized in job mediation, primarily in Norway.
About Us
We Will Set-Up Everything For You, No Need To Worry.
We put our employees' satisfaction in first place, that is why we offer these extraordinary benefits to you.
Explore Norway
Country Of Nature
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Who are we and what do we do?

For more than 15 years our company has been specializing in jobs search, mainly in Norway.

We have a Norwegian partner who covers the main communication with the companies in Norway. Our company takes care of the official registration process of employees in Norway. We of course provide full support and assistance during the whole stay in Norway, including the travel to and from Norway.
We offer mainly these positions:
  • Carpenter
  • Concrete Finisher
  • Car repairer
  • Mason
  • Fitter
  • Welder
ScandicWork Logo - práca v Nórsku

Register In Our CV Database

Did you not find a suitable job offer? It doesn't matter. Just register in our database and we will contact you.

We offer you these benefits

We put our employees’ satisfaction in first place, that’s why we offer these extraordinary benefits.

Norwegian Contract

The employees get registered in the Norwegian labor office on the first day, where levies and taxes are also paid.

Reimbursement of Travel Fees

Your travel will be at our expense We pay for the travel from Slovakia to Norway. We also pay for the travel to and from work.

Accomodation is provided

We provide accomodation and our housing spaces are fully equipped with everything you need... including wifi.

Pension and Insurance

All our employees get insurance against accidents, death and damages. 2% of your wage goes to your pension.

Our current job offerings

If any of the job positions we offer seems interesting to you, do not hesitate and send us your CV. If you have not found an open position in your field here, you can sign up into our database and we will contact you once it becomes available.

Concrete Finisher - Norway

Concrete works, sheeting, foundation, family houses, tourist apartments. Formwork systems.
/ month (gross)
Betonári zarovnávajú neuschnutý betón
Tesár vyhladzuje drevenú dosku

- Norway

We are looking for carpenters to build apartment flats- internal partitions, insulation, lining, floors.
/ month (gross)

Welder - Norway

Welding of heavy construction hardware, excavators and construction machines. Welding mainly with the electrode but also CO2. Previous job experience required.
/ month (gross)
Zvárač zvára v garáži
Murár pokladajúci tehly

Murár - Nórsko

Murárske práce na stavbe, priečky, omietky, prerábky apartmánových bytov, vnútorné priečky, izolácia, podlahy.
/ mesiac (brutto)
Mechanik držiaci tablet a usmievajúc sa na foťák, zatiaľ čo stojí v garáži plnom áut.

Car Repairer
- Norway

– Production, assembly and repair of sheet metal parts of vehicle bodies after accidents, welding work.
/ month (gross)

Our satisfied employees

Pokiaľ idete do Norska prvý krat odporúčam Scandic work. Nemusíte nič riešiť, prácu, ubytko vybavia a zavolaju vám či je všetko ok. Ja som tu už skoro 2 roky a domov sa nechystám.


Ján P.

Moc doporučuji je to první agentura přes kterou jsem hledal práci v zahraničí a naprostá spokojenost,
komunikace na vysoké úrovni.

Filip J.


Služby sú 100%, zabezpečia pracu, urady, ubytko, cestu. Prvý krát som letel a všetko mi vysvetlili – čo a ako treba na letisku, kde mám prestupiť atd… Cesty som sa obaval uplne zbytocne.


Lukáš M.

concrete worker

Send Us Your CV

Sign up into our Database. Haven’t found what you’re looking for? It’s okay. Just sign up into our database and we will contact you.

    Contact info in Slovakia

    Our company headquarters are based in Prievidza, J. Kalinciak street, number 5. It is located right next to Nestlé. You can park inside our estate.
    ScandicWork sídlo v Prievidzi

    Contact info in Norway

    Our Norwegian branch office is situated in Drammen, close to Oslo. Your first visit needs to be set-up in advance.
    Nočný záber na Nórske mesto